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A Closer Look at the Lifespan of Dental Implants

December 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 4:52 pm
a closeup of dental implants in Lehigh Valley, PA

Dental implants in Lehigh Valley are often considered the gold standard for replacing missing teeth; these awesome implants are capable of restoring your lost pearly whites in terms of look, feel, and functionality. Better yet, they can last for a very long time if you take great care of them! Here’s a little more insight into what allows dental implants to last for an impressively long time, along with some tips for maintaining their integrity.


3 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffer Ideas!

December 5, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — S. John salivonchik @ 4:52 am
stockings stuffed with tooth-friendly gifts

It’s that magical time of the year! Part of the magic is the excitement of giving your family gifts that they will love. However, it can be challenging to come up with unique, but useful, stocking stuffer ideas. How about getting ones that will be fun yet also great for their pearly whites? Read on for three stocking stuffer gifts from your dentist that are sure to bring bright, healthy smiles in 2023.
